Dark Blue

Dark Blue

Dark Blue follows the lives of an undercover team of Los Angeles police officers so covert, many of their own colleagues don't even know they are involved. The team is supervised by Lieutenant Carter Shaw (Dylan McDermott), who frequently butts heads with his superiors over the risks the team is prepared to take to bring down a target.

The series aired for two seasons on TNT.

Dark Blue: Season One

Season One

Original US air dates: 07/15/2009 to 09/16/2009

Dark Blue: Season One on DVD
Dark Blue: Season One on Amazon Instant (Video on Demand)
Dark Blue: Season One on itunes


Dark Blue: Season Two

Season Two

Original US air dates: 08/04/2010 to 09/15/2010

Dark Blue: Season Two on DVD
Dark Blue: Season Two on Amazon Instant (Video on Demand)
Dark Blue: Season Two on itunes


Note: Media availability may change without notice. Page Authorship: Omnimystery News.

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