Forever Knight

Forever Knight

Forever Knight aired on CBS from May 1992 through May 1996 and consisted of 71 episodes over 3 seasons. A made-for-television movie that served as the pilot aired in August 1989 with Rick Springfield in the title role. (Note: the pilot is not included on the DVD sets but is available separately under its broadcast title of Nick Knight.)

The series starred Geraint Wyn Davies as Nick Knight (Nicholas de Brabant), a vampire from the 13th century who spends his nights as a homicide detective in Toronto. John Kapelos played his partner, Donald Schanke, and Catherine Disher played Dr. Natalie Lambert, a forensic scientist who was searching for a cure to Knight's supernatural condition.

Forever Knight: Part One

Part One

Original air dates: 05/05/1992 to 05/26/1992, 08/04/1992 to 03/02/1993

Forever Knight: Part One on DVD
Forever Knight: Part One on Amazon Instant (Video on Demand)
Forever Knight: Part One on itunes


Forever Knight: Part Two

Part Two

Original air dates: 09/17/1994 to 07/29/1995

Forever Knight: Part Two on DVD
Forever Knight: Part Two on Amazon Instant (Video on Demand)
Forever Knight: Part Two on itunes


Forever Knight: Part Three

Part Three

Original air dates: 09/16/1995 to 05/18/1996

Forever Knight: Part Three on DVD
Forever Knight: Part Three on Amazon Instant (Video on Demand)
Forever Knight: Part Three on itunes


Note: Media availability may change without notice.

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Page Author: Lance Wright. Site Publisher: Telemystery — The Omnimystery Family of Mystery Websites.