Based on a novel by James Patterson, this global thriller is about a wave of violent animal attacks against humans sweeping the planet. Jackson Oz (James Wolk) is a young renegade American zoologist, who spends his days running safaris in the wilds of Africa with his best friend Abraham, (Nonso Anozie), who has a deep understanding of wildlife. Shortly after the attacks begin, Oz begins to see a link between the strange animal attacks and his late father's controversial theories about impending threats to the human race.
In Los Angeles, news reporter Jamie Campbell (Kristen Connolly) is intent on being the first to break the story behind the mysterious animal behavior, and seeks the expertise of Mitch Morgan (Billy Burke), an off-kilter veterinarian, who prefers the company of animals over people. Nora Arnezeder stars as Chloe Tousignant, a French investigator Oz meets in Africa.
As the assaults occurring worldwide become more cunning, coordinated and ferocious, Oz and the others are thrust into the race to unlock the mystery of the pandemic before there's no place left for people to hide.
This CBS series premiered in Summer 2015.
Season One
Original US air dates: 06/30/2015 to 09/15/2015. |
Season Two
Original US air dates: 06/28/2016 to 09/06/2016. |